By integrating payments via Lightning, the service allows 50 million users to send and receive funds easily and instantly via their mobile phone, using the existing M-Pesa system.
After Nigeria and Ghana, Kenya is the third country where the Bitnob app is available.
All that is needed is to set up the app for the first time, after which using the service and transferring funds between Lightning and M-Pesa is really easy. They can choose whether to receive bitcoins or local currency.

Bitnob offers a bitcoin savings service that helps people to save in bitcoin by automatically making bitcoin purchases at set intervals.
One of Bitnob's features allows users to easily receive funds directly into their bitcoin wallet, US dollar wallet or split between the two. It gives Kenyans the freedom to choose how they receive value between bitcoin, dollars or local currency.
For example, Kenyans who are working around the world can transfer funds instantly via the Cash App or Strike via Lightning to the M-pesa mobile wallet. Also, users can now send money from Kenya to Nigeria or Ghana or send money from any of these countries to Kenya.
Kenya is among the top ten countries interested in cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin.